User Data Access

APIs for creating and managing user’s data access

Data access is a main component of the BitBroker system. You will find more details about data access, within the key concepts section of this documentation.

Accesses are always created within the context of a user and a policy. These can be created and manipulated using other parts of this API, described elsewhere in this documentation.

Creating a New Access

New accesses can be created by issuing an HTTP/POST to the /user/:uid/access/:pid end-point.

Accesses are always created within the context of a user and a policy. Hence, you must know the user ID (uid) and the policy ID (pid) in order to create one.

curl http://bbk-coordinator:8001/v1/user/2/access/over-a-billion \
     --request POST \
     --include \
     --header "x-bbk-auth-token: your-token-goes-here"

This will result in a response as follows:

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Location: http://bbk-coordinator:8001/v1/policy/country

The body of this response will contain the authorization token, which the user should utilize to authorize their calls to the Consumer API. For example:


Reissuing an Access

Existing accesses can be reissued by issuing an HTTP/PUT to the /user/:uid/access/:pid end-point.

Accesses are always created within the context of a user and a policy. Hence, you must know the user ID (uid) and the policy ID (pid) in order to reissue one.

curl http://bbk-coordinator:8001/v1/user/2/access/over-a-billion \
     --request PUT \
     --include \
     --header "x-bbk-auth-token: your-token-goes-here"

This will result in a response as follows:

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

The body of this response will contain the new authorization token, which the user should utilize to authorize their calls to the Consumer API. For example:


List of Accesses

You can obtain a list of all the existing accesses a user has by issuing an HTTP/GET to the /user/:uid/access end-point.

Accesses are always created within the context of a user and, hence, you must know the user ID (uid) to list their accesses.

curl http://bbk-coordinator:8001/v1/user/2/access \
     --header "x-bbk-auth-token: your-token-goes-here"

This will return a JSON array as follows:

        "id": "over-a-billion",
        "url": "http://bbk-coordinator:8001/v1/user/2/access/over-a-billion",
        "policy": {
            "id": "over-a-billion",
            "url": "http://bbk-coordinator:8001/v1/policy/over-a-billion"
        "created": "2022-06-01T14:18:30.635Z"
    // ... other accesses here

Each access the user has will be returned within this array. Note: There is currently no paging on this API.

A shorter list of accesses by user can also be obtained when you ask for the details of an individual user. For example:

curl http://bbk-coordinator:8001/v1/user/2 \
     --header "x-bbk-auth-token: your-token-goes-here"

This will return a JSON array as follows:

    "id": 2,
    "url": "http://bbk-coordinator:8001/v1/user/2",
    "name": "Alice",
    "email": "",
    "coordinator": false,
    "accesses": [
            "id": "over-a-billion",
            "url": "http://bbk-coordinator:8001/v1/user/2/access/over-a-billion"
        // ... other accesses here
    "addendum": {}

Details of an Existing Access

You can obtain the details of an existing access by issuing an HTTP/GET to the /user/:uid/access/:pid end-point.

Accesses are always created within the context of a user and a policy. Hence, you must know the user ID (uid) and the policy ID (pid) to get its details.

curl http://bbk-coordinator:8001/v1/user/2/access/over-a-billion \
     --header "x-bbk-auth-token: your-token-goes-here"

This will return a JSON object as follows:

    "id": "over-a-billion",
    "url": "http://bbk-coordinator:8001/v1/user/2/access/over-a-billion",
    "policy": {
        "id": "over-a-billion",
        "url": "http://bbk-coordinator:8001/v1/policy/over-a-billion"
    "created": "2022-06-01T14:18:30.635Z"

Deleting an Access

Existing accesses can be deleted from the system by issuing an HTTP/DELETE to the /user/:uid/access/:pid end-point.

Accesses are always created within the context of a user and a policy. Hence, you must know the user ID (uid) and the policy ID (pid) to delete one.

curl http://bbk-coordinator:8001/v1/user/2/access/over-a-billion \
     --request DELETE \
     --include \
     --header "x-bbk-auth-token: your-token-goes-here"

This will result in a response as follows:

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content