Hosting a Webhook

How to use webhooks to incorporate live and on-demand data

It is an expectation that the BitBroker catalog contains information which is useful to enable search and discovery of entity instances. Hence, it contains key metadata - but it does not normally contain actual entity data. This is pulled on-demand via a webhook hosted by the data connector who contributed the entity record.

The distinction between data and metadata is covered in more detail in the key concepts documentation. Depending on how data and metadata is balanced in a BitBroker instance, there may or may not be a requirement to host a webhook.

In this section, we will outline how to implement a webhook within a data container.

Registering your Webhook

The first step is to register your webhook with BitBroker. This is done when the connector is created or can be done later by updating the connector. These actions are part of the Coordinator API and hence can only be performed by a coordinator user on your behalf.

Your webhook should be an HTTP server which is capable of receiving calls from the BitBroker instance. You can host this server in any manner you like, however the coordinator of your BitBroker may have their own hosting and security requirements of it.

You need to maintain your webhook so that it is always available to its connected BitBroker instance. If your webhook is down or inaccessible when BitBroker needs it, this will result in a poor experience for consumers using the Consumer API. In this scenario, they will only see partial records. Information about misbehaving data connectors will be available to coordinator users.

Required End-points

You are required to implement two end-points as part of your webhook deployment.

Entity End-point

The entity end-point is used by BitBroker to get a full data record for an entity instance which you previously submitted into the catalog.

The entity end-point has the following signature:

   HTTP/GET /entity/:type/:id


Attribute Presence Description
The entity type ID, for this entity instance
Your own domain key, which you previously submitted into the catalog

The entity type is presented here to allow for scenarios where one webhook is servicing the needs of multiple data connectors.

In response to this call, you should return a JSON object consisting of an entity and instance attribute only - all other attributes will be ignored. The object you return will be merged with the catalog record, which you provided earlier. Hence, there is no need to resupply the catalog information you have already submitted in previous steps.

For example, consider this (previously submitted) catalog record:

    "id": "GB",
    "name": "United Kingdom",
    "type": "country",  
    "entity": {
        "area": 242900,
        "calling_code": 44,
        "capital": "London",
        "code": "GB",
        "continent": "Europe",
        "currency": {
            "code": "GBP",
            "name": "Sterling"
        "population": 66040229
    "instance": {
        "independence": 1066

If there is a call for the detail of this record made on the Consumer API, the system will callback on the entity end-point as follows:

HTTP/GET /entity/country/GB

Then the webhook should respond with any extra / live / on-demand entity and instance data:

    "entity": {
        "inflation": 4.3
    "instance": {
        "temperature": 18.8

The system will then merge this live information with the catalog record to send a combined record to the consumer.

    "id": "GB",
    "name": "United Kingdom",
    "type": "country",
    "entity": {
        "area": 242900,
        "calling_code": 44,
        "capital": "London",
        "code": "GB",
        "continent": "Europe",
        "currency": {
            "code": "GBP",
            "name": "Sterling"
        "population": 66040229,
        "inflation": 4.3  // this has been merged in
    "instance": {
        "independence": 1066,
        "temperature": 18.8  // this has been merged in

Timeseries End-point

The timeseries end-point is used by BitBroker to get a timeseries information associated with an entity instance previously submitted into the catalog.

Not all entity type will have timeseries associated with them. When they do, then this callback is vital, since no timeseries data points are held within the catalog itself. Only the existence of timeseries and key metadata about them is stored.

The timeseries end-point has the following signature:

HTTP/GET /timeseries/:type/:id/:tsid?start=:start&end=:end&limit=:limit


Attribute Presence Description
The entity type ID, for this entity instance
Your own domain key, which you previously submitted into the catalog
The ID of the timeseries associated with this entity instance
The earliest timeseries data point being requested
When present, an ISO 8601 formatted date
The latest timeseries data point being requested
When present, an ISO 8601 formatted date
The maximum number of timeseries points to return
An integer greater than zero

Further information about the possible URL parameters supplied with this callback are:

Attribute Information
start Should be treated as inclusive of the range being requested
When not supplied, assume a start from the latest timeseries point
end Should be treated as exclusive of the range being requested
When present, this will always after the start
Never present without start also being present
When not supplied, defer to the limit count
limit Takes precedence over the start and end range
The end may not be reached, if limit is breached first

Then the webhook should respond timeseries data points as follows:

        "from": 1910,
        "to": 1911,
        "value": 5231
        "from": 1911,
        "to": 1912,
        "value": 6253
    // other timeseries points here


Attribute Necessity Description
An ISO 8601 formatted date
When present, an ISO 8601 formatted date
A valid JSON data type or object

Specifying both from and to is rare - in most cases, only a from will be present. You can place any data type which makes sense for your timeseries in the value attribute. But this should be consistent across all the timeseries points you return.